Oct 18, 2013

Travel Adventures: PAX Prime 2013

Ready for PAX Prime!
I finally sat my butt down, uploaded my photos, and wrote about PAX Prime 2013! That took my literally 2 months to do. This year's PAX Prime was amazing. It was the event of the year I was looking forward to the most. I did a lot and got a bunch of free stuff back, like the usual. And I bought a lot of stuff as well. But this year I am extremely disappointed because League of Legends did not bring up their store. Which I would have easily dropped $300 at, and instead they decided not to put a store this year. The League of Legend's stage was amazing though, I loved it.

This year I didn't spend a lot of time at League of Legends stage as much as I thought, because it is so enclosed in I didn't care for much of it. But the best part was meeting all the players that I love and adore so much! That was the biggest highlight of the weekend!


M eye A, and Chuuper


Faye Mata (Voice of Lulu)


C9 Hai

It was so good to see all the amazing players and influencers of League of Legends!!

I did so much, especially at the Nintendo booth, because I am a huge Nintendo Fanboy. I had to partake in everything Nintendo had that weekend. The Zelda WindWaker Adventures, Beyonetta 2, were the longest for that weekend. I grabbed the full pack of Pikmin 3 stickers and stuck them onto my bag!
Pack of Pikmin Stickers

Stuck them onto my bag!

On one of the nights Ben and I went to the Magic of the Gathering party. It was literally a quest during PAX weekend, and to collect stamps in order to get an invite for the party. It was fun, and the party was extremely cool, because we got tons of swag on the way in and free food! Also, there was a preview of the Theros set, featuring the Elspeth storyline.
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
Ben I went to the Final Fantasy 14 launch event at PAX Prime! It was such a great time because we could play Titan, which wasn't released yet, and they sold the game there as well! It was such a great time at the event! I got tons of pictures back from the event too.

Such a fantastic weekend. This is just the surface that I have scratched about PAX Prime on this posts. I shall leave the rest in pictures for browsing! I will be going again next year.

My friend Alfred is doing Naked Sim

Guild Wars 2 Party

One of KGST are in Seattle! Ronald <3

The Wildstar Booth

Ziggs *BOOM*

Caught a LuLu Cupcake!

M eye A's backpack!

Howard cos-playing as TPA Ezreal